List of ISO3 country codes and corresponding country/region labels.





Country boundaries are derived from FAO GAUL 2008 (2009 eds.)


# Lookup lists iso
#> Angola Glorioso Island #> "AGO" "ATF" #> Juan de Nova Island Burundi #> "ATF" "BDI" #> Benin Burkina Faso #> "BEN" "BFA" #> Botswana Central African Republic #> "BWA" "CAF" #> Ivory Coast Cameroon #> "CIV" "CMR" #> Democratic Republic of the Congo Congo #> "COD" "COG" #> Comoros Cape Verde #> "COM" "CPV" #> Djibouti Eritrea #> "DJI" "ERI" #> Western Sahara Ethiopia #> "ESH" "ETH" #> Gabon Ghana #> "GAB" "GHA" #> Guinea Gambia #> "GIN" "GMB" #> Guinea-Bissau Equatorial Guinea #> "GNB" "GNQ" #> British Indian Ocean Territory Kenya #> "IOT" "KEN" #> Liberia Lesotho #> "LBR" "LSO" #> Madagascar Mali #> "MDG" "MLI" #> Mozambique Mauritania #> "MOZ" "MRT" #> Mauritius Malawi #> "MUS" "MWI" #> Mayotte Namibia #> "MYT" "NAM" #> Niger Nigeria #> "NER" "NGA" #> Reunion Rwanda #> "REU" "RWA" #> Sudan Senegal #> "SDN" "SEN" #> Saint Helena Sierra Leone #> "SHN" "SLE" #> Somalia Sao Tome and Principe #> "SOM" "STP" #> Swaziland Seychelles #> "SWZ" "SYC" #> Chad Togo #> "TCD" "TGO" #> United Republic of Tanzania Uganda #> "TZA" "UGA" #> Hala'ib triangle Ma'tan al-Sarra #> "XX0" "XX1" #> Ilemi triangle South Africa #> "XX2" "ZAF" #> Zambia Zimbabwe #> "ZMB" "ZWE" #> Sub-Saharan Africa #> "SSA"