In 2014 HarvestChoice released a new version of its data API1 under the title HarvestChoice Data Services v3.0. We currently maintain two APIs, HarvestChoice Data Services (v3.0 as of writing) and HarvestChoice Data API. The latter provides backend methods required to run two of our flagship reporting and visualization applications, MAPPR and TABLR. We envision merging these two APIs in the near future, but currently focus our efforts on building new and faster data access methods into HC Data Services.

Through transparent data services our aim is to facilitate the re-use and integration of HarvestChoice’s spatially-consistent biophysical and socio-economic indicators into 3rd-party tools and models. As of 2017-02-21 over 750 indicators are available for sub-Saharan Africa.


This R package cannot be installed locally. Instead we provide access to all methods through a RESTful API (credits to ([OpenCPU]). Method names are endpoints and function arguments must be converted from R syntax to simple JSON objects, foo(arg1=c("val1", "val2")) must be passed to endpoint using {"arg1" : ["val1", "val2"]}.

The examples below show sample request mechanics using cURL at the command line, but the same approach will work in R using jsonlite::curl() and in STATA using procedure ??.

Data APIs - What for?


Using HarvestChoice Data Services

This API implements a RESTful2 interface allowing users to query, summarize, plot, and download any subset of HarvestChoice’s 700 spatially-explicit indicators for sub-Saharan Africa. We describe here some of the methods available to developers and researchers to programmatically interact with the API.

Because the API uses standard REST protocol and HTTP verbs (GET, POST), requests may be sent through any URL transfer utility (e.g. cURL on both Windows and Linux), or using any programming language that implements HTTP requests (including statistical languages such as STATA, R, and SAS). The logic consists in calling a specific method and passing any number of required or optional arguments or parameters. In the examples below we use the command line tool cURL in Windows (available in Windows 7 and 8).

The API’s main endpoint is at There are a couple of useful methods exposing the API documentation. These are explained here.

Using Methods and Parameters

The API exposes a list of available methods at In turn each method is further documented at /man/{method}/html e.g. ([#fig2]).

Example #1: list of available API methods

# List of API methods
##   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
##                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
  0    66    0    66    0     0    650      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1692
## Redirect to

The main data query method is hcapi() with a REST endpoint at ([/R/hcapi]. category() and describe() may be used to return indicator metadata. Other methods, like classify() (summarizing indicators across custom geographic domains) and similar() (ranking areas by similarity) are useful to conduct advanced analyses.

Example #2: method documentation

# Sample method documentation
##   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
##                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0hcapi                  package:hcapi3                  R Documentation
## Query, subset, summarize, and download HarvestChoice indicators
## Description:
##      Wrapper method to query, subset and/or aggregate HarvestChoice
##      layers. This method may also be used to summarize classified
##      variables along intervals of continuous variables, e.g.
##      hcapi(var="AEZ16_CLAS", by="bmi"). Here AEZ16_CLAS is a classified
##      (categorical) raster, and bmi is a continuous raster, but the
##      request is valid. The dominant class of AEZ16_CLAS is returned
##      along intervals of bmi. Default interval breaks are used but
##      custom intervals may also be defined, e.g. hcapi(var="AEZ16_CLAS",
##      by=list(bmi=c(0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25))). The dominant class of a
##      variable var is defined by dominant(var). Layers may also be
##      summarized over spatial points are areas (passed as WKT
##      representations using argument wkt). Use the format argument to
##      control the output format (see examples below).
## Usage:
##      hcapi(var, iso3 = "SSA", by = NULL, wkt = NULL, format = NULL, ...)
## Arguments:
##      var: character array of variable codes, passed to getLayer
##     iso3: character array of ISO3 country or region codes, passed to
##           getLayer
##       by: character array of variable codes to summarize by, passed to
##           getLayer
##      wkt: WKT representation of a spatial object (points, multipoints,
##           or polygons, multipolygons)
##   format: output format, one of "data.table", "csv", "tif", "dta",
##           "asc", "grd", "rds", else "plot" to plot the rasters, or
##           "hist" to plot histogram and univariate statistics
##      ...: other optional arguments passed to getLayer, genFile, or to
##           genPlot, e.g. collapse=TRUE, as.list=TRUE, dir, pal.
## Details:
##      Sample API call: mean body mass index and cassava yield across
##      provinces and districts of Tanzania
##      $ curl
##      -d '{"var" : "cass_y", "iso3" : "CIV", "format" : "tif"}' -X POST
##      -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
##      /ocpu/tmp/x0bc1ac9bdf/R/.val /ocpu/tmp/x0bc1ac9bdf/stdout
##      /ocpu/tmp/x0bc1ac9bdf/warnings /ocpu/tmp/x0bc1ac9bdf/source
##      /ocpu/tmp/x0bc1ac9bdf/console /ocpu/tmp/x0bc1ac9bdf/info
##      /ocpu/tmp/x0bc1ac9bdf/files/bmi--TZA.tfw
##      /ocpu/tmp/x0bc1ac9bdf/files/bmi--TZA.tif
##      /ocpu/tmp/x0bc1ac9bdf/files/bmi--TZA.tif.aux.xml
##      /ocpu/tmp/x0bc1ac9bdf/files/DESCRIPTION
##      /ocpu/tmp/x0bc1ac9bdf/files/README
##      GET all generated files in a ZIP archive
##      $ wget
##      Sample API call: the method may be expanded to summarize
##      classified (discrete) variables along continuous variables. For
##      example the call below returns the dominant agro-ecological zone
##      and average stunting in children under 5 over Ethiopia's provinces
##      and generic elevation zones
##      $ curl
## -d
##      '{ "var" : ["AEZ8_CLAS","stunted_moderate"], "iso3" : "ETH", "by"
##      : ["ADM1_NAME_ALT","ELEVATION"] }' -X POST -H
##      'Content-Type:application/json'
## Value:
##      a data.table (or other formats) of HarvestChoice indicators
##      optionally summarized over by domains
## See Also:
##      getLayer getLayerWKT genFile
## Examples:
##      # Mean body mass index and cassava yield across provinces and districts of Tanzania
##      x <- hcapi(c("bmi", "cass_y"), iso3="TZA", by=c("ADM1_NAME_ALT", "ADM2_NAME_ALT"))
##      x
##      # To identify HarvestChoice indicator codes, query the entire catalog using category()
##      category("poverty")
##      # Plot results for Mara province
##      require(lattice)
##      barchart(ADM2_NAME_ALT~bmi, data=x[ADM1_NAME_ALT=="Mara"], col="grey90")
##      # Return mean cassava yield in Ivory Coast in GeoTIFF format
##      r <- hcapi("cass_y", iso3="CIV", format="tif")
##      # Plot the generated GeoTIFF raster (one band only)
##      require(raster)
##      plot(raster(r[2]))
##      # The method may be expanded to summarize c
101  4791    0  4791    0     0  52576      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  111k
## lassified (discrete) variables along continuous
##      # variables. For example the call below returns dominant agro-ecological zone and
##      # average stunting in children under 5 over Ethiopia's provinces by elevation class
##      x <- hcapi(c("AEZ8_CLAS", "stunted_moderate"), iso3="ETH", by=c("ADM1_NAME_ALT", "ELEVATION"))
##      x
##      # Mean harvested maize area summarized across a custom polygon
##      x <- hcapi(var="maiz_h", wkt="POLYGON((-16.35819663578485006 15.36599264077935345,
##      -15.42501860768386379 15.69472580976947462, -15.11749403024149174 14.83577785208561117,
##      -16.13550642453347805 14.68731771125136376, -16.35819663578485006 15.36599264077935345))")
##      x

The documentation for each method provides a short description and a list of parameters and default parameter values, as well as an example. getLayer() is one of the API’s main methods allowing users to query and summarize indicators. The documentation above shows that getLayer() takes at minimum one parameter var indicating which indicator to query (e.g. var='PD05_TOT' to return 2005 population density). Other optional parameters include iso3 limiting the results to one (or multiple) countri(es) (e.g. iso3=['GHA', 'NGA'] for Ghana and Nigeria), and by summarizing the indicators over a geographic domain (e.g. 8-class agro-ecological zones by='AEZ8_CLAS').

You can test this query by manually forming the following cURL request. This returns a JSON array.

Example #3: simple request returning a dataset in JSON

curl \
-d "var='PD05_TOT'&iso3='GHA'&by='AEZ8_CLAS'" -X POST
##   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
##                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0    40      0    837 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   837
143   389    0   389    0    40   1472    151 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1608
143   389    0   389    0    40   1471    151 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1608
## [
##   {
##     "ISO3": "GHA",
##     "ADM0_NAME": "Ghana",
##     "PD05_TOT": 26.3
##   },
##   {
##     "ISO3": "GHA",
##     "ADM0_NAME": "Ghana",
##     "AEZ8_CLAS": "Humid",
##     "PD05_TOT": 104.8
##   },
##   {
##     "ISO3": "GHA",
##     "ADM0_NAME": "Ghana",
##     "AEZ8_CLAS": "Semi-Arid",
##     "PD05_TOT": 280
##   },
##   {
##     "ISO3": "GHA",
##     "ADM0_NAME": "Ghana",
##     "AEZ8_CLAS": "Sub-Humid",
##     "PD05_TOT": 80.9
##   }
## ]

For users of STATA or R the same dataset may be returned in a native format by using the same method appending a format parameter at the end of the request, and appending /zip to the URL endpoint. This will return all generated files in a single ZIP file.

Example #4: request Ghana 2005 population density (PD05_TOT) summarized across agro-ecological zones (AEZ8_CLAS) in STATA format (dta)

curl \
-d "var='PD05_TOT'&iso3='GHA'&by='AEZ8_CLAS'&format='dta'" -X POST
##   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
##                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0    53      0   1098 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1098
114   404    0   404    0    53   1464    192 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1546
## /ocpu/tmp/x0168bbf850/R/.val
## /ocpu/tmp/x0168bbf850/stdout
## /ocpu/tmp/x0168bbf850/source
## /ocpu/tmp/x0168bbf850/console
## /ocpu/tmp/x0168bbf850/info
## /ocpu/tmp/x0168bbf850/files/datapackage.json
## /ocpu/tmp/x0168bbf850/files/DESCRIPTION
## /ocpu/tmp/x0168bbf850/files/hcapi-PD05_TOT-AEZ8_CLAS-gha.dta
## /ocpu/tmp/x0168bbf850/files/meta.csv
## /ocpu/tmp/x0168bbf850/files/
## /ocpu/tmp/x0168bbf850/files/terms.html

Example #5: same request returning a file in RData format

curl \
-d "var='PD05_TOT'&iso3='GHA'&by='AEZ8_CLAS'&format='rda'" -X POST
##   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
##                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0    53      0   1132 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1132
114   404    0   404    0    53   1452    190 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1519
## /ocpu/tmp/x0734a6c1e1/R/.val
## /ocpu/tmp/x0734a6c1e1/stdout
## /ocpu/tmp/x0734a6c1e1/source
## /ocpu/tmp/x0734a6c1e1/console
## /ocpu/tmp/x0734a6c1e1/info
## /ocpu/tmp/x0734a6c1e1/files/datapackage.json
## /ocpu/tmp/x0734a6c1e1/files/DESCRIPTION
## /ocpu/tmp/x0734a6c1e1/files/hcapi-PD05_TOT-AEZ8_CLAS-gha.rds
## /ocpu/tmp/x0734a6c1e1/files/meta.csv
## /ocpu/tmp/x0734a6c1e1/files/
## /ocpu/tmp/x0734a6c1e1/files/terms.html

Other possible formats include csv, json for GeoJSON, and raster formats grd, tif and asc for R raster, GeoTiff, and ESRI ASCII raster respectively. Note that as-is these requests do not return any file, only a JSON response with (if the response is succesful) pointers to the generated files. To download all generated files, add /zip to the session endpoint.

Example #6: Ghana wheat production in CSV format aggregated over districts

# Generate ZIP file
curl \
-d "var='whea_p'&iso3='GHA'&by=['ADM2_CODE_ALT','ADM2_NAME_ALT']&format='csv'" -X POST
##   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
##                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0    73      0   1485 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1485
  0    55    0    55    0    73    627    832 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
## Unparsable argument: ['ADM2_CODE_ALT','ADM2_NAME_ALT']
--2015-02-03 04:10:38--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80...
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/zip]
Saving to: ''

PD05_TOT-AEZ8_CLAS-GH     [ <=>                      ]   2.38K  --.-KB/s   in 0s

2015-02-03 04:10:38 (24.0 MB/s) - '' saved [2432]

About the Data

All of the API methods require passing indicator codes as parameters. These codes uniquely identify an indicator and may be accessed using two of the metadata query methods category() and describe(). category() returns a list of indicators in any category matching a cat keyword. describe() returns complete metadata records for selected indicators. Sample requests are shown here. The returned Code element is the variable code to pass into other API methods.

Example #7: return list of indicators in any category matching ‘demo’

curl \
-d "cat='climate'" -X POST
##   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
##                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0    13      0    270 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   270
  0    70    0    70    0    13    564    104 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   760
## unused argument (cat = "climate")
## In call:
## category(cat = "climate")

Example #8: retrieve text documentation for /describe/ method

##   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
##                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
  0    96    0    96    0     0   1439      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  5052
## No documentation for 'describe' in specified packages and libraries:
## you could try '??describe'

Example #9: return metadata records for all indicators under the ‘Health and Nutrition’ category

curl \
-d "cat='bmi'" -X POST
##   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
##                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     9      0    184 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   184
121   112    0   112    0     9   1310    105 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  2861
## object 'describe' not found
## In call:
## get(reqobject, paste("package", reqpackage, sep = ":"), inherits = FALSE)

Indicator metadata is only available in JSON format. However it is possible to download all metadata records in CSV format using (vi in the URL stands for Variable Inventory).

Advanced Methods

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