Auxiliary files and metadata are appended to all data packages, but may also be generated separately. Variable metadata is made available in tabular (.csv) and in JSON (.json) format in conformity with Tabular Data Package RFC specifications at

datapackage(var, format = NULL, dir = ".")



character array of HarvestChoice indicator code(s)


file extension corresponding to the data package output format. See genFile. If NULL no auxiliary file is produced aside from metadata records in meta.csv.


character, optional output directory. Default to current working directory.


character array of generated auxiliary file names


API call: Generate auxiliary files for soil organic carbon concentration and 2012 total population $ curl \ -d '{"var" : ["soc_d5", "PN12_TOT"]}' \ -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json'

See also

indicator and category for other convenience methods to query HarvestChoice metadata.


# Generate auxiliary files for soil organic carbon concentration and 2012 total population x <- datapackage(c("soc_d5", "PN12_TOT")) x <- fread(x[1]) x
#> code label #> 1: soc_d5 Soil org. carbon (0-5cm) #> 2: PN12_TOT Total Pop. '12 #> description #> 1: Soil organic carbon content (fine earth fraction) at 0-5cm depth. #> 2: Total population downscaled from LandScan 2012 population counts at 30 arc-second to 5 arc-minute resolution. #> type unit version aggFormula period #> 1: continuous permilles SChEF r2.5 mean(soc_d5, na.rm=TRUE) 1950 - 2012 #> 2: continuous persons SChEF r2.5 sum(PN12_TOT, na.rm=TRUE) 2012 #> category subcategory item #> 1: Agroecology Soil Resources Soil Fertility #> 2: Demographics Population Total #> source #> 1: ISRIC (2014) ""World Soil Information"", in collaboration with The Earth Institute, Columbia University World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) #> 2: Bright, E. A. and Rose, A. N. (2012) ""LandScan Global Population Database 2012"", Oak Ridge National Laboratory, July 2013. Retrieved from #> contact downloadedOn #> 1: 05/16/2017 #> 2: 05/16/2017 #> citation #> 1: HarvestChoice, 2015. ""Soil Organic Carbon Content (depth 0-5cm)"", International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC., and University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. Available online at #> 2: HarvestChoice, 2015. ""Population, Total (2012)"", International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC., and University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. Available online at