Package results from getLayer into tabular or spatial raster format. Also includes README and Tabular Data Package specifications. Currently supported export formats include CSV (csv), STATA (dta), GeoJSON (geojson), GeoTIFF (tif), R raster (grd), RData (rda), ESRI ASCII raster (asc), and netCDF (nc). Calling genFile(var="bmi", iso3="TZA", format="dta") is equivalent to calling the convenience method hcapi(var="bmi", iso3="TZA", format="dta").

genFile(var, iso3 = "SSA", by = NULL, format = c("csv", "geojson", "tif",
  "dta", "asc", "rds", "grd"), dir = ".", ...)



character array of indicator codes, passed to getLayer


character array of ISO3 country or region codes, passed to getLayer


character array of indicator codes to summarize by, passed to getLayer


output format, one of "csv", "json", "tif", "dta", "asc", "grd", "rds".


output directory, default to current working directory


any other optional argument passed to getLayer, e.g. as.class, collapse.


character, array of generated file names included in the data package


API call: total wheat harvested area across 16 agro-ecological zones in Nigeria and Ethiopia in STATA format $ curl \ -d '{"var" : "whea_h", "iso3" : ["NGA", "ETH"], "by" : "AEZ16_CLAS", "format" : "dta"}' \ -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' /ocpu/tmp/x0e654538b7/R/.val /ocpu/tmp/x0e654538b7/stdout /ocpu/tmp/x0e654538b7/warnings /ocpu/tmp/x0e654538b7/source /ocpu/tmp/x0e654538b7/console /ocpu/tmp/x0e654538b7/info /ocpu/tmp/x0e654538b7/files/DESCRIPTION /ocpu/tmp/x0e654538b7/files/README /ocpu/tmp/x0e654538b7/files/whea_h-AEZ16_CLAS-NGA.dta

GET all generated files in a ZIP archive $ wget

API call: sorghum production in Nigeria in ESRI ASCII raster format $ curl \ -d '{"var" : "sorg_p", "format" : "asc"}' \ -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -- /ocpu/tmp/x02a7a044c7/R/.val /ocpu/tmp/x02a7a044c7/stdout /ocpu/tmp/x02a7a044c7/warnings /ocpu/tmp/x02a7a044c7/source /ocpu/tmp/x02a7a044c7/console /ocpu/tmp/x02a7a044c7/info /ocpu/tmp/x02a7a044c7/files/DESCRIPTION /ocpu/tmp/x02a7a044c7/files/README /ocpu/tmp/x02a7a044c7/files/sorg_p--SSA.asc /ocpu/tmp/x02a7a044c7/files/sorg_p--SSA.asc.aux.xml /ocpu/tmp/x02a7a044c7/files/sorg_p--SSA.prj

GET all generated files in a ZIP archive $ wget

See also

datapackage to generate associated metadata records


# Total wheat harvested area across 16 agro-ecological zones in Nigeria and Ethiopia # in STATA format x <- genFile("whea_h", iso3=c("NGA", "ETH"), by="AEZ16_CLAS", format="dta")
#> Warning: the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
#> Warning: the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
# Load generated STATA file require(foreign)
#> Loading required package: foreign
x <- read.dta(x[1]) # Plot histogram with full layer title hist(x$whea_h, xlab=vi["whea_h", varLabel])
# Sorghum production in Nigeria in ESRI ASCII raster format x <- genFile("sorg_p", iso3="NGA", format="asc")
#> Warning: colorTables valid for Byte type only in some drivers
#> Warning: Unable to set color table
#> [1] "./hcapi-nga-sorg_p.asc" "./hcapi-nga-sorg_p.asc.aux.xml" #> [3] "./hcapi-nga-sorg_p.prj" "./meta.csv" #> [5] "./" "./datapackage.json"
# Load and plot generated raster require(raster)
#> Loading required package: raster
#> Loading required package: sp
#> #> Attaching package: ‘raster’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:data.table’: #> #> shift
x <- raster(x[1]) plot(x, main=vi["sorg_p", varLabel])
cellStats(x, "mean")
#> [1] 897.064